Meet Kevin
Automation that propels your clinic forward

Think of us as your Digital Medical Assistant—saving you endless time, boosting revenue, and streamlining your practice workflow.
Kevin, the Digital Medical Assistant

Meet Kevin, Your Digital Medical Assistant.

Results that truly transform

Annual Wellness Visits
closed at point of care
0 %
Increase in care
gaps closed
0 %
lower cost of
0 %

Our platform turns complexity into completion

As healthcare evolves, managing clinical consistency with payers and internal operations becomes exhausting. Tracking care gaps, getting caught up on faxes, and chart prepping each patient feels overwhelming.

What if complexity stopped being a disadvantage?

From chart prep to fax inbox sorting, Kevin offers a customized solution to seamlessly complete your work, your way.

Make every touchpoint intuitive with Kevin, our Digital Medical Assistant.

Front Office

Back Office

  • Front office automation

    A complete solution designed to boost quality and reduce administrative workload.

    Define how you render care, tell Kevin who to text, call and email, and he will be the most consistent scheduler you’ve ever had.

    Monthly scrub of EMR to identify termed insurances, and prospective outreach to update info

    Need Kevin to help with front office? He is on it- with screenings, review of systems, consent forms, demographic updates- all integrated back into your EMR.

  • Back office automation

    Streamline behind-the-scenes tasks, enhancing accuracy and efficiency while freeing up your team.

    In conjunction with demographic updates, when the patient fills out their forms, they can complete their back office clinical documentation too. But Kevin goes farther- Patient needs a blood test based on your guidelines? He will add it. Counseling's, ICD codes, Referrals proactively and preventatively added? He's got it- every patient, every time.

    You've got more important things to do than stare at an inbox. Let Kevin automate your fax inbox, sorting, assigning, and labeling the documents coming to your fax inbox.

Hey Kevin, order a HgA1C on every diabetic patient.

Kevin, the Digital Medical Assistant

I'm on it.

Making each step of
patient care visible

Whether you are wondering many patients could be enrolled in CCM, how many patients have over due balances of greater than $50, or the number of patients with a HGA1C >9, Kevin puts those insights right in front of you.

Which patients need care?

Our dashboard lets you see the patients with open care gaps, and our chart prep lets you see which patients with upcoming appointments have open care gaps.

Do they have an upcoming appointment, and if so, what care needs to be rendered?

Our automation let's you push forms, lab orders, treatment plans and more to the patients chart.

How did we do in closing our gaps last Week Month Year ?

Our digital assistant
is here to help

Automation and communication were never easier. Kevin, our digital medical assistant, is built from intuitive AI that focuses on combining clinical standardization with automated workflows, bringing the patient and the provider closer together. 

"Hey Kevin, Send new patients packets for all new patients before they come in."
Kevin: Sent!
"Hey Kevin, here are my standards panels for a patient with hypertension vs diabetes. Make sure these happen yearly."
Kevin: Ordered!
"Hey Kevin, associated documents from the fax queue to patients chart."
Kevin: Attached, assigned, and labeled!
"Hey Kevin, make sure all my female patients over 40 have a mammogram ordered if not ordered in the past year."
Kevin records it

We remove the administrative distance between providers and patients. Get rid of the paperwork, provision care.

Measures defined. Forms filled. Charts prepped. Quality delivered.

Customize your practice measures, automate the workflows attached to the measure, and watch the care gap closure rate soar.

Got something else in mind? You define your process. We automate it. The only thing left to do is...

Save 50% of your money, 90% of your time and 100% of your sanity.

Healthcare that grows with you

Tell us how we can help you solve your clinic issues and workflows. We’ll get to work on a solution.