Brainstorm with us Request a Strategy Call

Find a way to make your clinic run smoother
Here’s what we’ve got:
Subject matter experts in the healthcare domain, with expertise in claims adjudication, value-based contracting (risk-based contracting to quality measure management), mergers, and the patient experience.
Here’s what you need:
An answer (assuming you are pondering a meeting).
It might mean automation, but it might also be an answer to questions like, “How do I increase my CAHPS score if I’m asking about urinary incontinence but my patient forgets I asked?” or “I have hundreds of claims that are submitted, but we haven’t heard anything back in over five months. Where’d they go?”
Or maybe even, “I’ve got a demographic report and an imaging report. I need Excel to tell me who needs a mammogram and who’s had one… Help!”
No consultative fees. Just help. Breathe! You’re almost there.